The following basic terminology information was given to them to copy and forward to friends and other groups, with the notion that should they require more in-depth information they could contact me, and I will gladly explain and address their inquiries.

Dear Friends and fellow European Citizens,

I have come to a the time period of my many hours spent on the Internet looking for answers,
and finding it, amongst uploaded information, on documents and videos, of like-minded
people like us.

The problem I am now facing, is more than enormous and thus seeking help to get information over to our friends and fellow Europeans is a very difficult situation and I wish to engage you with my problem.
You may immediately disregard my findings or accept it, but it may mean that you will have to do some searching yourselves, find it and share it, is at this stage of your lives the most important thing to do. 

Our future as Europeans in Southern Africa and Worldwide depends upon informing and sharing the information very urgently.
You need to bear with me in this short but necessary introduction to our major problem we are now facing. 

You as fellow citizens and friends need to know about this past and how it is impacting our lives in the greatest hoax and lie of the centuries.

The Virus Pandemic planned by a long-standing secret organization with many names, like Illuminate, Elite, Super Rich, Ashkenazi Jews, and mostly Freemasons, of the required plan for our future known as the “NEW WORLD ORDER
They exist and are amongst us as brothers and sisters, but are as Evil as it comes, and most certainty of the Luciferian Order.

Friends and fellow European Citizens, order and cannot be regarded as theory.

Here is the basic introduction of my findings which you need to know.

All of my Google Blogs, Youtube, and Facebook Accounts no longer exist, due to many times have had to restart it, under other back door methods, but was later again found by those who spent most of their time looking for those who push the truth narrative and then instructing them to not inform the public or be blocked and deleted.
Everything I uploaded regarding the truth, based against facts found, and not theories were based upon our past in a time period known as Tartaria in Europe, which was never ever related in history and simply hidden in the pages of our past.

The Historical past was simply removed by powers that be and it is more than 1500 years of history which relates to our own Country South Africa and dates back as far as the ears 1150, which is factually about 150 AD.
It is this hidden history which we as South African need to understand, and it starts with the Cartographer Abraham Ortelius, and a few other Dutch and Spanish Cartographers clearly showing this Southern Tip of Africa like the rest of the World was factually inhabited by Tartarians and South Africa could be regarded as a 5 th Colony of Tartaria.

I am not going to explain unless you request information about this past. It is a lengthy subject which needs a proper introduction and explanation

Shortly after or during the period 1600 (160AD) to 1745 (750AD )a great catastrophe took place.
It was described Biblically as the great Deluge/Flood, but we also know it as a period of great Earth Quakes for several Years ( Madrid Earth Quakes USA).
Many Volcanoes begun, being active again, but partiality the eruptions of two major Volcanoes in the area of Indonesia (Philippines), one particular Volcano, known as Krakatoa.
Earth was literally under a dark cloud like a blanket for a few years resulting in major mud floods and many deaths, and existing infrastructures (Buildings) covered in mud up to as many as 60 meters of mudrock and debris.

References to World War I and the Spanish Flue is all due to Flooding, Mud floods, and just poor hygiene, but it was not death and destruction by the so-called Spanish Flu. This can and has been proven.
World War II brings us to a time when the World Leaders Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin started this decree, or need for a World System under one Government, which was to be known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER.
They have consistently tried to change every country and its mindset to accept this principle and plan, by infiltrating every Society, Financial Groups, Social Structures, Scientific Communities, Medical Fraternities and Organizations, literally like an Octopus with Its tentacles every where.

The Computer age, regardless of your views, was the final straw to this major plan because by using information gathered and given, you can control a Worlds Pollution, from within their structures and Governments, World Wide.
It is the best place to start is with their Financial systems, which everybody requires to sustain their lives. Money!
Once this method of Artificial Intelligence was operative in al the systems the Powers and Principalities, as mentioned, started their push for the NEW WORLD ORDER.
It was required that the Financial Systems of the World should not be based against commodities like Gold Bullion and other precocious metals, but be of non printed and a minted system based upon Credit and Debit in a computerized system.
Walls Street did not collapse as was planned in 1985(Long discussion and explanation) 

Climate change was a viable method to use, and as early as 1985 Chem trailing our skies under the pretense of Weather Manipulation for weather control, our cloud bases were seeded with Chemical concoctions, with names like Aluminium Particles, Strontium, and Barium just a few to mention, but the most important chemicals.
At first, it was used to control Rain and Hail, so it was explained.
This push by the USA towards the descriptive Climate Change narrative was starting to become exhaustive and was no longer being taken seriously, and during the time period 2018/2019 at the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM in Davos Switzerland.
The next final step was taken to coheres the visiting Heads of states and countries, to participate in this change which was explained would be beneficial to their countries.

Trillions of Dollars was printed for distribution to these countries so as to get them to support the narrative or idea of a new financial System which would be of greater use and value to them in their endeavors to continue governing their countries and stay in power.
Regardless of the views of countries and their opposition parties, they the existing leaders would have the backing of the rest of the World Leaders.

(Future plans of the World Leaders in their particular countries was at this stage of no concern)
a Plan was required to ensure that the NEW WORLD POWER gets instated very soon, and it was based upon FEAR.
It was known that only fear in the Worlds Communities will allow them to accept change and not like the climate Change story scoff at it as lies and deceit. 
The World Health Organization was already late in 2019 worried about the impact of the Worlds elderly

