Dear Viewers.

I am specifically pointing the finger at all Social Media Groups bending under the enforcement of forced Racial Mixing, regardless true inputinto the matter.

Bloggers and similar structured Media are continually blocked and prevented from allowing their written material or videos from being viewed, or read, and behind them you will find 99% of the time Ashkenazi Jews with their inferiority complex agendas, as they control the Social MEDIA WORLDWIDE.

You as Bloggers will find very few visitors to your written material as it is prevented by the Grups who wish to become superior minded and have the rest of the Races mixed and  become their slaves to manipulated.

You need to actively find other venues and Platforms to get your  material on line which excludes these inferior minded complex Agenda Ashkenazi Jews, from  succeeding in their plans to ensure their races above others.

Regardless Race or creed, we will continue to be different but perhaps similar in structure.

We can not expect to be the same as other Races in texture of colour,hair, eyes and so forth.

WE ARE DIFFERENT RACES, and to be precises, we are factually only Five Races.

We will continue to regard other Races as different and make jokes about them and no amount of Legal Documents can ever changes such opinions and behavior. It will just change  and other methods will be used to ridicule other people and races.

It is mankind's habit to do so, as it continually uses the oldest method of propagating species which is known as "NATURAL SELECTION OF SPECIES" and anything outside this method will be frowned upon.

Many will choose the mixed propagating method and then fall into a category of mixed race, which will remain mixed and unless no continued similar two couples mix who are of different Races, it will leave a trace for about 220 years and systematically Nature, returns the Race to its original status so much so that should twins be born, one will be of the original status with no further tainted Gene line, and will produce that original couple of races once again.

It is understandable that looking at the Race groups right now, that the original Five Races still remain with their linage moving into other races, but, and this is important, that the original 5 Races remain.

That is Natures way of securing its own future in this creation.

Ashkenazi Jews who are not Hebrews regard themselves as the only Race who is untainted, but it is a dream situation, because the stole the Hebrew faith, and wishes to be leaders and the Elite of all Races , making them superior to other races.

This will never happen as Nature does not allow this type of intervention of stunting other Races into a social mixed group. It will take back what has been tainted, and restore the original Races as was intended.

If you are of Black Origin, then you cannot expect other races to be obedient to your demands for acceptance due to you feeling inferior because of your appearance of performance, and this goes for all races.

We are not the Keepers of other Races to secure their well being as human beings in a particular society. We look after our own kind and we are similar to other races but we are most certainly different.

