US To Restrict Travel To And From India Amid Overwhelming COVID-19 Infec...BULL SHIT FEAROF A 3 RD WORLD POWER EMERGING.



The NEW WORLD ORDER does not want a 33 rd World Power or even a 4 th World power, in the merging Industrial world,as it will upset their Plans for a NEW WORLD ORDER.

None of the deaths which were normal yearly deaths could be proven to be COVID NON EXISTING VIRUS. 

India population is getting sick of Flu but it is natural time of the year, and Pathogens are being used to force immune systems to break down and then the use of FACE MASKS and social distancing prevents normal bacterial intake and normal anti bodies being produced by the human body. 

This is a forced method by the Luciferian NEW WORLD ORDER to subordinate and stop India from becoming a 4 rd WORLD POWER.

Japan was subordinated with the explosion of the under ground nuke in the trench causing flooding, then China was informed they were the culprits of the Covid, and now its India and who knows perhaps South Africa again as the reason for increase of the Virus.  

How ever South Africa is going to break away from the rest of the World and become a new Independent Country before 2022.


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