First of all I need to beg forgiveness using a form like this to inform you that due to my evidence of factual proof of a FEAR being used as a method to force change upon mankind and  subsequent VACCINATIONS to enforce death of more than 5 Billion people and later the human physical forms  by altering their Geno as experiments.

I have been Banned on Facebook Youtube and Twitter for stating factual evidence as in this Blog, abut the deceit and lies for power by the hungry Elite of the NEW WORLD ORDER LUCIFERIAN SYSTEMS.

This Blog may also be on the chopping list of prevention of free speech and truth.

I started using BITCHUTE, BRIGHTEON, and a few new Platforms.


 It is the  mind of the less informed, who are the majority, who could not make it up the tree of the evolution of mankind for many reasons.

Inferiority of comparing themselves to other species and races, and allowing themselves to be manipulated just to feel accepted and understood has always been the downfall of the majority of mankind. 

Should information receive not balance out their inferiority of achievements, they will automatically follow the leaders who shout their demise as obstructed and prevented evolution, by power and manipulation..

Not being able to achieve, is so much easier to accept when obstruction and prevention of achievement is presented, It may be presented in anti Race and hate, as this is the closest justice which can be perceived when you are a majority with inferiority of achievements knowing that as a majority you have the chance to be perceived as having been great in your historical past and immediate life.

The minority with intellectual intelligence, uses the most incredible method of manipulation to achieve their goals, and it is  the manipulation of the majority who are not capable to achieve greater understanding of past and present historical data,

a Bread crumb in a pond normally  calls al the fist to attention, and forces them to stop scavenging for that moment of time and all swim to the free given  food fro where ever. Why scavenge for food when it is free. That's the downfall of the less intellectually intelligent human race.

Countless Wars and catastrophic events have taken place, forced by the hands of the minority, all to force, the majority into a direction, making it so much easier to control the rule as Elite, Governments, Churches, and Secret Societies.

It only requires a little  bit of propaganda like the Covid 19 Fear Plandemic to force the majority to sit up and wait to see which way the bread crumb will be tossed, but once they get that regular tossed bread crumbs in to the pond, they will follow like mice following  the Pied Piper.

The few who wish and do rule, uses incredible communication methods and secret societies to continue herding the majority into the camps they have prepared for them to ensure obedience and ongoing leadership of their particular territories be it in countries or organizations.

Eliminating any few who force discord of their domains of leadership, are easily removed from society, by silencing their communication methods or out right elimination of heir ideas and opposition and insubordination to their cause. 

Communication platforms are the weapons of the Elite,  and are used with great might and power. I am referring to specifically known Platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube  on the Google Transponder of almost Godlike Church domain of everything which is counter to the real cause of Creation.

 I could could it Luciferian systems, but then even that, descriptive name is of no value to the majority who have and continued to be forced into subordination of the causes of those who rule them, like the Elite, super Rich, Illuminate, Freemasons and Secret Societies, including churches.Health and well being of any society is the gravitational system of manipulation. It is the pond where in crumbs of deceit and lies is tossed into forcing obedience of mankind.

World Health Organization, Economical Systems, and Communication  is used  with great power and might to sustain any future plans of mankind and enforcing obedience.They use Pharmaceutical products to make you continue using it just to sustain your lives and increase the financials state of the producers.

The use any other method which will cause insecurity of life, like weather manipulations causing droughts and floods to encase you in Fear to ensure their ongoing ruler ship by FEAR.

Covid 19 and many past events which has caused RE-SETS, are proof of past events and historical data  which has been hidden to prevent uprisings to their systems, as knowing the past historical content will break down the barriers of their Ruler ship showing, that the past was used manipulate mankind into catastrophic events just to ensure their ongoing ruler ship as Elite.

Any person or country opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER PLANS are forcefully dealt with in the use of Pharmaceutical products for so called health, and Financial Systems used to build up the economies of individuals and major corporations with their supplies to their own countries and the rest of the World. 

The real Rulers of the World are few, and as stated based in secret societies, and they manipulate with great power and might, yet there is only one power which can dislodge their total ruler ship, and it is communication systems.

Remove the Communication systems, like Cell Phones and Internet for as little as 6 months, and their ruler ship is in tatters, because mankind is resilient to form smaller groups in human societies and sustain themselves anywhere on Earth without the forced dictatorship of the Elite and their dreams.

Monetary systems are  replaced by bartering with each other  and traveling is curtailed to particular territories making it viable to sustain the human society with less than any economical system used in the past. Mankind does not require technologies, but like animals have everything at their disposal to sustain their lives in security and safety.

For those of you who are believers in the greater power of the Creator, try to understand the following.

In these days we are living in, it will not be necessary to teach any human being that GOD IS. 

The Spirit of GOD is everywhere and you will see, hear, and feel GOD’S presence in everything you do in your daily life, and even while ding something wrong, you will clearly know what the goodness was which you should have committed and not the evil by which you live and plan your daily lives.

You need to understand that even Lucifer who was known as the Morning Star, or bringer of Light, and an Angel of God, now in these days, lives amongst us, and is very aware of GOD and what he is committing in EVIL to gain power through his corruption of mankind.

Yes, he is aware, that he is using Evil with the approval of GOD our Creator to continue corrupting mankind with his devious plans, because by doing this, no human being can ever say that they did not know the difference of good and evil or right or wrong.

During the early days of corruption of mankind, when the fruit of knowledge, or the realization of knowledge became evident to them, they took it and used it, and by grace of GOD, did not extend their desires and take perpetual life and live for ever.

If this was done, then this cycle of continued pain and suffering, death and destruction would have been a ongoing cycle of life, with no end to it.

We have had the experience, since early days of understanding, and countless re-sets of Earth and life done, due to our ongoing planned violence in World Wars just to sustain our devious Evil Plans for self gain.

We have with knowledge accepted the Evil of Lucifer and his ongoing plans in our daily lives, as it was and appears to be the only factual touchable world of experience we as human being now in this form experience from birth to death.

It is a physical World of a few years, in which we try to accumulate as much wealth as possible to sustain our short lived pleasurable lives and then we die, never to wake up in GOD’S domain which was planned from the beginning, but in our stupid physical experiences of needs and desires we held onto the physical and left the Spiritual which is by far a greater domain than these few years in which we were to experience everything and accept that which is right and GODLY.

We were given the opportunity to choose, and we chose the Physical World.

It is of no value, to take any past historical events which incidental, is regularly wiped out after every Re-set, to prevent mankind form factually seeing their past and possibilities of greatness without Evil.

From the first days of Creation no matter how you wish to perceive or understand Creation, or even debating the Creators existence, is of no value to our small minds.

Its like asking the GOD the reason for creating anything, it will not have value to our existence, We are in reality all light beings of Electrons, Protons and Atoms being part of the greater creation.

Our ongoing anti Godly ways continue to halter the final change into something far greater than can ever be explained.

Our knowledge of ancient human beings, Angelic half breeds, Giants Titans and countless other weird and some wonderful creations above the water and within it, has come and gone, while some may even still exist, yet, we have become oblivious to it, as we choose to enrich our lives for a life time which is rarely ever longer than 120 years.

We use books of faith written by Prophets and writers, seemingly to have been experiencing direct intervention from the Spiritual domain, be it Evil or Good, and then teach as Priests, or Faith these philosophies and prophesies as factual and reliable, ways to continue on our path of self gain, in total governing of other races, in our own and other countries.

We chance the words of factual given knowledge by Godly beings to mankind to suit our own plans of tomorrow.

GOD the Creator becomes one of many GODS, once we have named GOD.

Our churches and Faiths have changed the descriptive words in the Bible and other Faiths of goodness into Words of wisdom which they can use punitively in judgement and ruling of their lessor educated fellow men to be of value to their rulings as leaders and teachers.

There is no value what so ever at this stage of any faith being used, and being of value to mankind. It has been changed countless times and the meaning of the original descriptive words have changed and no longer is of value.

Any words given to mankind which alleviates pain and suffering and brings goodness into lives of mankind is far more valuable than all the teachings of faiths we have to date.

All teachers of the Faith, and we have them in all the denominations of Churches worldwide, teach so called kindness and mercy, while listening to self proclaimed past experiences of their congregation where evil was committed, and the mere fact of that knowledge is EVIL IN THE CHURCH.

Everything taught in between by having this evil committed known, is no different to having Lucifer standing on the podiums teaching the congregations.

All the teaching or submissions for the benefit to those particular congregation of Faiths is of no value to the followers.

Their very existence within those chambers of Evil has been tarnished and white washed, making their first moment of acceptance of their Creator, as their GOD, of no value.

The ongoing method of having to continue begging forgiveness and then just doing it all over again, knowing forgiveness for that deed will be done by their Priests and Teachers, becomes a habit.A Habit no different to a Drug Addicts requiring drugs regularly.

Since the first fall of the Angels, their new habitat on Earth has been changed to accommodate them and their total onslaught against mankind whom they despise.

Total change from the known physical world to the mixed human animal and hybrid breeds has been their most aggressive acts of their despise of GOD our Creator, and having made them subject to mankind who were lessor than they.

This great fall from their domain has been the evil upon Earth and mankind.

It does not matter what your perception of right or wrong is at this stage, because as stated, in these days you will know the truth regardless the input and forced indoctrination's of the Evil within mankind by help of these devious fallen Angelic Forces.

Past Re-sets, as shown in past events like, the Great Flood or Deluge in the Scriptures indicating and depicting Noah the Ark Builder and what he did, Sodom and Gomorrah, the devastation of Nineveh, has been proven to have happened and though all the Historical events of past catastrophic events has been hidden from mankind, by forces of Evil now in residence within some of mankind, and new historical data been written to once again force mankind into a scenario which did not happen just forced mankind further and further away from the reality of real history under their feet.

Faiths and beliefs have been indoctrinated with deceit and lies, and now mankind is being taught direct disobedience and disregard for the true Covenants between them and GOD the Creator.

The past has been hidden within more than 1000 years, and anything of historical value found, is will fully and forcefully grabbed and taken away to be studied but placed in Archives in places like the Smithsonian Institute and other Museums including places of faith like the Roman Catholic Head Office in Rome, Italy.

It is within these lies and deceit that GOD is gradually being written out of mankinds mind, and being replaced by the Fallen Angelic being Lucifer, what was in charge of the fallen Anglic beings, and getting GOD the Creator out of the equation will make him Lucifer god OF THIS Earthly domain.

Now even the incarnated evil demonic beings within some human beings and their Secretive Societies and organizations to manipulate and rule Earth knows that their ongoing plans will not succeed in the long run.




We only require 6 months to bring this World  back to to peace and security. 
