Dr W states facts about being controlled by the NEW WORLD ORDER

2 minutes ago
What the hell is it with all these politicians wanting to rape children? Just disgusting.
13 minutes ago
I appreciate all you do, Alex. As a physician right now who is truly on the “front line” caring for patients, I would love for you all to know that we are all threatened daily for doing the right thing- many of us are still clinging to our ethics and our morals and to SCIENCE, but we are afraid. We are threatened that we will lose our licenses and be shamed as docs (and who knows what else they will do to us) if we spread “misinformation.” I stand by my oath to do no harm and to put my patients’ health first, so I will continue to do the right thing for them and will fight until my last breath to be on the right side of history. My children and my patients need to be able to look back and see that good is possible and is right. But it is so lonely being a doctor today. We get no mention for the things we do right, and, in fact, will most likely be burned at the stake as heretics for helping our beloved patients and fellow humans Please try to fight for us too. We are fighting for you. We are here. Your doctors. Probably the one who don’t post “healthcare heroes” bs and call each other names for disagreeing. Those responsible and complicit or afraid will pay the price in the end. I would rather be dead than compromise the health and safety of my kids, my patients, and my country. Stand up together, support one another. And if we have to fight, we will. And we have guns. Grit. And are forming a community to combat this tyranny. Be safe. Keep up the fight. You are not alone. Dr W



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